data class HealthCareLocatorCustomObject
HealthCareLocatorCustomObject provides fields where the implementation app can change styles, such as text color, text size, fonts, and/or icons.
● With Java:
HealthCareLocatorCustomObject obj = new HCLViewCustomObject.Builder().editIcon(value).build();
● With Kotlin:
... or ...
If the implementation app does not provide those styles, the default will be applied.
colorPrimary |
Set primary color in the hex String color (Must start with #). |
colorSecondary |
Set secondary color in the hex String color (Must start with #). |
textColor |
Set text color in the hex String color (Must start with #). |
colorMarker |
Set marker color in colorId which will show on the map (Must start with #). |
colorMarkerSelected |
Set selected marker color in colorId which will show on the map (Must start with #). |
fontDefault |
Set default font size in integer. |
fontSmall |
Set font size for small level in HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject. |
searchIcon |
Set search icon in drawableId. |
editIcon |
Set edit icon in drawableId. |
markerIcon |
Set marker icon in drawableId. |
data class Builder |
colorButtonAcceptBackground |
val colorButtonAcceptBackground: String |
colorButtonBackground |
val colorButtonBackground: String |
colorButtonBorder |
val colorButtonBorder: String |
colorButtonDiscardBackground |
val colorButtonDiscardBackground: String |
colorCardBorder |
val colorCardBorder: String |
colorDark |
val colorDark: String |
colorGrey |
val colorGrey: String |
colorGreyDark |
val colorGreyDark: String |
colorGreyDarker |
val colorGreyDarker: String |
colorGreyLight |
val colorGreyLight: String |
colorGreyLighter |
val colorGreyLighter: String |
colorListBackground |
val colorListBackground: String |
colorMarker |
val colorMarker: String Set marker color in colorId which will show on the map (Must start with #). |
colorMarkerSelected |
val colorMarkerSelected: String Set selected marker color in colorId which will show on the map (Must start with #). |
colorPrimary |
val colorPrimary: String Set primary color in the hex String color (Must start with #). |
colorSecondary |
val colorSecondary: String Set secondary color in the hex String color (Must start with #). |
colorViewBackground |
val colorViewBackground: String |
colorVoteDown |
val colorVoteDown: String |
colorVoteUp |
val colorVoteUp: String |
countries |
val countries: ArrayList<String> |
defaultCountry |
var defaultCountry: String |
editIcon |
val editIcon: Int Set edit icon in drawableId. |
env |
val env: String |
fontButton |
val fontButton: HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject |
fontCardTitle |
val fontCardTitle: HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject |
fontDefault |
val fontDefault: HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject Set default font size in integer. |
fontModalTitle |
val fontModalTitle: HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject |
fontNoResultDesc |
val fontNoResultDesc: HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject |
fontNoResultTitle |
val fontNoResultTitle: HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject |
fontProfileSubTitle |
val fontProfileSubTitle: HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject |
fontProfileTitle |
val fontProfileTitle: HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject |
fontProfileTitleSection |
val fontProfileTitleSection: HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject |
fontResultSubTitle |
val fontResultSubTitle: HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject |
fontResultTitle |
val fontResultTitle: HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject |
fontSearchInput |
var fontSearchInput: HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject |
fontSearchResultTitle |
val fontSearchResultTitle: HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject |
fontSearchResultTotal |
val fontSearchResultTotal: HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject |
fontSmall |
val fontSmall: HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject Set font size for small level in HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject. |
fontSortCriteria |
val fontSortCriteria: HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject |
fontTitleMain |
val fontTitleMain: HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject |
fontTitleSecondary |
val fontTitleSecondary: HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject |
iconArrowRight |
val iconArrowRight: Int |
iconCross |
val iconCross: Int |
iconFax |
val iconFax: Int |
iconGeoLoc |
val iconGeoLoc: Int |
iconList |
val iconList: Int |
iconLocation |
val iconLocation: Int |
iconMap |
val iconMap: Int |
iconMapGeoLoc |
val iconMapGeoLoc: Int |
iconMarkerMin |
val iconMarkerMin: Int |
iconPhone |
val iconPhone: Int |
iconProfile |
val iconProfile: Int |
iconSort |
val iconSort: Int |
iconVoteDown |
val iconVoteDown: Int |
iconVoteUp |
val iconVoteUp: Int |
iconWebsite |
val iconWebsite: Int |
locale |
val locale: String |
mapService |
val mapService: Int |
markerIcon |
val markerIcon: Int Set marker icon in drawableId. |
screenReference |
val screenReference: Int |
searchIcon |
val searchIcon: Int Set search icon in drawableId. |
showModificationForm |
val showModificationForm: Boolean |
specialities |
val specialities: ArrayList<String> |
textColor |
val textColor: String Set text color in the hex String color (Must start with #). |
getLocaleCode |
fun getLocaleCode(): String |
HealthCare Locator 1.0 and higher
Platform and requirements: Android