class SearchObject : Parcelable
companion object CREATOR : Creator<SearchObject> Field to create one or more objects of this type. See companion object functions later on this page. |
<init> |
SearchObject(parcel: Parcel) SearchObject(speciality: HealthCareLocatorSpecialityObject? = null, place: HCLPlace? = null, createdAt: Long = System.currentTimeMillis(), createdDate: String = "") |
createdAt |
var createdAt: Long |
createdDate |
var createdDate: String |
place |
var place: HCLPlace? |
speciality |
var speciality: HealthCareLocatorSpecialityObject? |
describeContents |
fun describeContents(): Int |
writeToParcel |
fun writeToParcel(dest: Parcel?, flags: Int): Unit |
createFromParcel |
fun createFromParcel(parcel: Parcel): SearchObject |
newArray |
fun newArray(size: Int): Array<SearchObject?> |
HealthCare Locator 1.0 and higher
Platform and requirements: Android