The reviews query is used to get reviews published about a specific HCP.
Schema |
type Query { reviews( idnat: String! ): ReviewsResult }
Field |
Type |
Description |
first |
Int |
Optional for pagination. Specifies ... 10 (default) ... to limit the number of results to get for the first page. The same number to limit results can be specified again to limit results for each of the following pages. If this limit exceeds the server's number, then number of results is determined by the server. |
offset |
Int |
Optional for pagination. Specifies ... 0 (default) ... to not offset the first number of results for the first page. However, offset is required for a following page to skip <total number results already retrieved on previous pages> to the next number to get from remaining results. For example: ● "offset: Int = 0" and "first: Int = 10" gets first 10 results for page 1 ● "offset: Int = 10" and "first: Int = 10" skips first 10 results to get next 10 results for page 2 ● "offset: Int = 20" and "first: Int = 10" skips first 20 results to get next 10 results for page 3 |
A JSON response with an object of the ReviewsResult type as a result, which is a list of one or more HCP reviews.
If a server error occurs or an incorrect input is specified.
HealthCare Locator SDK 1.2.15 and higher
GraphQL Activity API 2.0