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public class HCLHCPSearchWebServices : SearchAPIsProtocol
This class represents a request object for retrieving results without UI, providing methods to build your own search UI for your iOS app.
Swift |
let manager = HCLManager.share manager.initialize(apiKey: <YOUR_API_KEY>) let webservices = manager.getHCPSearchViewController()
The user interface could be configured through settings of theme and icons while initializing the HCLManager instance.
The API must be accessed through the HCLManager instance after initialization with the API key.
HealthCare Locator 1.0 and higher
Fetch a list of activities using HCP specialties (one or more) or criteria (free text such as first and/or last name), which is inputted by a user. Only one—either specialities or criteria—can be provided.
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public func fetchActivitiesWith(info: GeneralQueryInput, specialties: [String]?, location: GeopointQuery?, county: String?, criteria: String?, userId: String?, completionHandler: @escaping (([ActivityResult]?, Error?) -> Void))
HealthCare Locator 1.0 and higher
Fetch details of an activity.
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public func fetchActivityWith(id: String!, locale: String?, userId: String?, completionHandler: @escaping ((Activity?, Error?) -> Void))
HealthCare Locator 1.0 and higher
Fetch a list of HCP specialties using criteria (free text longLbl) and/or code type ("SP" is the code type for specialities). Specialities can be used to fetch activities.
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public func fetchCodesByLabel(info: GeneralQueryInput, criteria: String!, codeTypes: [String], userId: String?, completionHandler: @escaping (([Code]?, Error?) -> Void))
HealthCare Locator 1.0 and higher
Fetch a list of HCPs using criteria (free text such as first and/or last name). This returns a brief (not detailed) description on each HCP to distinguish them in the list.
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public func fetchIndividualsByNameWith(info: GeneralQueryInput, county: String?, criteria: String!, userId: String?, completionHandler: @escaping (([IndividualWorkPlaceDetails]?, Error?) -> Void))
HealthCare Locator 1.0 and higher
Fetch details (label) on a code, such as to get the label name of an HCP speciality.
Swift |
public func fetchLabelBy(code: String, completionHandler: @escaping ((Code?, Error?) -> Void))
HealthCare Locator 1.1 and higher