Get list of healthcare organizations using GraphQL Playground

With the SDK-integrated search screens, users can search healthcare organizations (HCOs) within your app. A dedicated GraphQL query provides a way to get HCOs matching input filters, such as text criteria, address filter, individuals, specialties, and medical terms. The criteria in get requests made by your app, with or without a UI, are passed by GraphQL in queries to the Activity API of HealthCare Locator.

To test the API, you can directly access GraphQL and make a query using GraphQL Playground to get the list of HCOs that comes with your pro version subscription and is available to your app for searches.

To get the list of HCOs using GraphQL Playground, do the following:

1.      On your web browser, enter the following URL ...

... where "" is the endpoint and "subscription-key=XXXXXXXX" specifies your valid subscription API key. The browser displays the GraphQL Playground screen.

2.      On the Playground screen, enter a query to get the list of HCOs that comes with your subscription, such as ...


  workplaces (



  ) {

    edges {

      node { id name }




The following Playground screen shows the query entered in the left pane and response (after clicking the play button ) with HCOs/workplaces in the right pane.