GraphQL Playground is part of the HealthCare Locator solution. Playground is enabled on the same URL as the GraphQL server and automatically serves its UI to web browsers.
Directly accessing GraphQL and making queries using Playground is recommended for developing and testing the APIs of HealthCare Locator.
● For production use, accessing GraphQL is done through app requests, such as an hclAPI.codesByLabel request (JavaScript) to get specialities.
To directly access GraphQL and make queries using Playground, do the following:
1. On your web browser, enter one of the following URLs ... (apps integrating an SDK version earlier than 1.2.15)
... or ... (apps integrating an SDK 1.2.15 or later)
... where "" is the endpoint and "subscription-key=XXXXXXXX" specifies your valid subscription API key. The browser displays the GraphQL Playground screen.
2. To make a query using Playground, see any of the following examples on getting a list of: