Learn about features and the prebuilt screens that come with the HealthCare Locator SDK before customizing them as part of your app UI. For details, see the following:
● iOS app
● JavaScript app (or website)
● The following examples of code show the location to specify the API key received from the free trial or pro version signup.
● The following examples include customization for:
o near me geolocation of user for search input
o Google Maps integration
o dark theme for screens and dark mode for map
● Test your app after configuring the SDK and customizing its prebuilt screens. Once published, your app is now packaged and features the HealthCare Locator search screens for users to find HCPs and HCOs.
To configure, initialize with your API key, and start as a new Activity or Fragment within your UI, see the following:
● As a new Activity:
o Java:
* Font(s) must be in assets folder.
* Example: assets/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf
HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject fontTitleMain = new HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject.Builder()
//Set font(s)
//Set color(s)
HealthCareLocatorSDK.init("<Your api key>").setAppName("<Your app name>")
.setAppDownloadLink("<Your download link>").setCustomObject(builder.build());
o Kotlin:
val builder = HealthCareLocatorCustomObject.Builder()
*Font(s) must be in assets folder.
*Example: assets/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf
val fontTitleMain: HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject = HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject.Builder(
id = "titleMain", size = 20, fontName= "fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf",
weight = Typeface.BOLD).build()
//Set font(s)
//Set color(s)
HealthCareLocatorSDK.init("<Your api key>").setAppName("<Your app name>")
.setAppDownloadLink("<Your download link>").setCustomObject(builder.build())
● As a Fragment from your Activity:
o Java:
int containerId = R.id.fragmentContainer;
HealthCareLocatorCustomObject.Builder builder = new HealthCareLocatorCustomObject.Builder();
* Font(s) must be in assets folder.
* Example: assets/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf
HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject fontTitleMain = new HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject.Builder()
//Set font(s)
//Set color(s)
HealthCareLocatorSDK.init("<Your api key>").setAppName("<Your app name>")
.setAppDownloadLink("<Your download link>").setCustomObject(builder.build());
HealthCareLocatorSDK.getInstance().startSDKFragment(this, containerId);
o Kotlin:
val containerId:Int = R.id.fragmentContainer
val builder = HealthCareLocatorCustomObject.Builder()
* Font(s) must be in assets folder.
* Example: assets/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf
val fontTitleMain: HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject = HealthCareLocatorViewFontObject.Builder(
id = "titleMain", size = 20,fontName= "fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf",
weight = Typeface.BOLD).build()
//Set font(s)
//Set color(s)
HealthCareLocatorSDK.init("<Your api key>").setAppName("<Your app name>")
.setAppDownloadLink("<Your download link>").setCustomObject(builder.build())
HealthCareLocatorSDK.getInstance().startSDKFragment(this, containerId)
By default, the Home screen (and its blocks of content) is first to appear but you can set the Near me search to first appear after the SDK is started, such as by a button or icon within your app UI. For example:
● Near me search – If you want to land directly on the "Cardiologist near me" or "Near me" search with a pre-configured [specialities](), [specialtyLabel](), then set it as follows:
fun entryScreen(@ScreenReference screenReference: Int, specialtyLabel: String, specialities: ArrayList<String>) = apply {
this.screenReference = screenReference
this.specialtyLabel = specialtyLabel
this.specialities = specialities
['XXX', 'YYY'])
● Near me search distance – If you want to do a near me search with a pre-configured [distanceUnit](), [distanceDefault](), then set it as follows:
fun distanceUnit(distanceUnit: String) = apply {this.distanceUnit = distanceUnit}
fun distanceDefault(distanceDefault: Double) = apply {this.distanceDefault = distanceDefault}
builder.distanceUnit("Kilometer") /** Kilometer or Mile **/
● Dark mode for map – To configure dark mode for the map with [darkModeForMap](), then set it as follows:
fun darkModeForMap(darkModeForMap: Boolean) = apply {this.darkModeForMap = darkModeForMap }
builder.darkModeForMap(true) /** true or false **/
For a map service:
o If [mapService]() is OpenStreetMap:
o If [mapService]() is Google Maps, then create
the google_map_night.json file. Click to show/hide
example ...
● Dark theme for SDK – To configure dark theme for the SDK with [darkMode](), then set it as follows:
fun darkMode(darkMode: Boolean) = apply {this.darkMode = darkMode}
builder.darkMode(true) /** true or false **/
Note that darkMode uses 2 colors to apply dark theme:
var darkModeColor: String = "#232323"
var darkModeLightColor: String = "#323232"
To customize the prebuilt screens as part of the UI for your iOS app, see the following:
1. In the navigation bar of Xcode, click project
navigator icon ( ),
and select the project name of your app.
2. HCL targets its search results using the current location of your app, and must prompts users for their permission to use their current location. To set this up, do the following:
● In the project editor, select a target (your app to build) in the TARGETS section.
● Click the Info tab. The Info pane appears.
● Expand Custom iOS Target Properties, and scroll through the list to find the following location permissions:
Privacy - Location
Always Usage Description
Privacy - Location Always and When In Use Usage Description
Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description
● For each location permission, add a good explanation for the reason why you need to access the current location of users. For example:
$(PRODUCT_NAME) wants to know your current location to perform more accurate search results for healthcare providers and organizations.
1. After installing HealthCare Locator in the Xcode project of your app, you must add a HCLSDK initialization code to your app. To do this, import the HCLSDK module and configure a shared instance as shown:
import HCLSDK
2. Configure an HCLManager shared instance, typically in your app's method "application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:". For example:
let shared = HCLManager.shared
share.initializeWith(apiKey: <your-api-key>)
By default, the Home screen (and its blocks of content) is first to appear but you can set the Near me search to first appear after the SDK is started, such as by a button or icon within your app UI. For example:
● Home screen – To retrieve/open the HealthCare Locator home screen (and search screens) instance on your app UI whenever you need it, use the following line:
// retrieve an instance of HCLHCPSearchNavigationViewController
let HCPSearchVC = HCLManager.shared.getHCPSearchViewController()
// Display the search screen as you want
present(HCPSearchVC, animated: true)
Know that "HCLHCPSearchNavigationViewController" is a subclass of "UINavigationViewController".
● Near me search – If you want to land directly on the "Dentist near me" or "Cardiologist near me" search with a pre-configured [specialtyCode](), [specialtyLabel](), then see the following:
let config = HCLSearchConfigure(entry: .nearMe, speciality: "XXX, YYY", specialtyLabel: "Dentistry"))
● Near me search distance – If you want to do a near me search with a pre-configured [distanceDefault](), [distanceUnit](), then see the following:
let distanceDefault: Double = 1.0
let distanceUnit: HCLDistanceUnit = .km // or use .mile
let config = HCLSearchConfigure(entry: .nearMe, speciality: "XXX, YYY", specialtyLabel: "Dentistry", distanceDefault: distanceDefault, distanceUnit: distanceUnit)
● Dark theme for SDK – If you want to configure the dark theme for SDK with [darkmode](), [darkmodeForMap](), then set it as follows ...
let themeConfig = HCLThemeConfigure(..., darkmode: true, darkmodeForMap: true)
Note the following for the dark theme:
o darkmode – Use 2 colors to apply dark theme:
var kDarkColor = UIColor(red: 35/255, green: 35/255, blue: 35/255, alpha: 1.0)
var kDarkLightColor = UIColor(red: 50/255, green: 50/255, blue: 50/255, alpha: 1.0)
o darkmodeForMap – Use the default dark color by Apple (supported in iOS 13.0).
Configure SDK – To configure, initialize with your API key, and start the SDK, you must append parameters to the object passed to the HclSdk instance in your JavaScript, React, or Angular app ...
const config = {
... where "<PARAMETER_NAME>" is one of the following:
Parameter name |
Type |
Value |
apiKey |
String |
The API key you got from the HealthCare Locator website. |
locale |
String |
ISO 639-1 language code is used for translation purpose. If the locale parameter is not defined, then the value of the <html> lang attribute is used. An example that defines the locale parameter is shown in the step to update configuration of the SDK instance, later in this procedure. |
appName |
String |
The name of your app/website. |
appURL |
String |
The URL of your app/website. |
icons |
Object |
Overrides icons. |
showSuggestModification |
Boolean |
Enable/disable the "Suggest HCP Modification" feature. Default is "true". |
enableDarkMode |
Boolean |
Enable/Disable dark theme feature. Default is "false". |
entry |
Object |
Landing screen for the SDK UI.
enableMapDarkMode |
Boolean |
Enable/Disable dark theme feature for the map. Default is "false". |
useGoogleMap |
Boolean |
Use Google Map instead of Open Street Map. Default is "false". |
googleMapApiKey |
String |
Google Maps API key is provided from Google console. |
getCurrentPosition |
Function |
Overrides way to get geolocation of devices. Default is supported by browser. |
Example configuration:
apiKey: "1234",
icons: {
search: `<svg>...</svg>`,
showSuggestModification: false,
getCurrentPosition(success, error) {
longitude : 43,65107,
latitude: -79,347015
By default, the Home screen (and its blocks of content) is first to appear but you can set the Near me search to first appear after the SDK is started, such as by a button or icon within your app UI. For example:
● Home screen – The entry screen can be changed by overriding the entry configuration parameter. The default value of entry is the following:
entry: {
screenName: "home";
● Near me search – If you want to land directly on the "Near me" search with a pre-configured specialty, then set it as follows ...
entry: {
screenName: 'searchNearMe',
specialtyCode: ['XXX', 'YYY'],
specialtyLabel: 'Dentistry'
... where specialtyCode is a valid specialty code from your subscribed package.
The SDK UI styles are highly customizable using CSS variables. You can override any of our variables by targeting the hcl-sdk element from your stylesheet. For example, to customize the main and secondary colors of the HealthCare Locator UI, just add the following CSS to your website:
hcl-sdk {
--hcl-color-primary: #001f3f;
--hcl-color-secondary: #39cccc;
Click to show/hide color variables ...
Click to show/hide font variables ...
To update the configuration of the SDK without reloading the page, call the updateConfig method on the SDK instance. For example:
const sdkInstance = document.querySelector('hcl-sdk');
"configPatch" is a JavaScript plain object containing the properties/values to update. For example, if you want to change the SDK UI language:
If you want to display a widget within your app instead of the prebuilt screens of the SDK, then configure a widget for the SDK (only the widget for the map is currently supported):
● Vanilla JavaScript app:
<div class="widget-wrapper">
<hcl-sdk id="map-instance" widget="map"></hcl-sdk> <!-- Using the same configuration as the Main Instance -->
document.getElementById('map-instance').widgetProps = {
mapHeight: '200px',
● React app:
function App() {
return (
<div class="wrapper">
<HclSdk config={config} widget="map" widgetProps={widgetProps} />
● Angular app:
template: `
<div class="wrapper">
<hcl-sdk-component [config]="config" [widget]="'map'" [widgetProps]="widgetProps"></hcl-sdk-component>
Next, get a pro version subscription key.